“Waking Isabella” is on an around the world book tour!
All this month “Waking Isabella” is on an around the world book tour with Laura Fabiani’s Italy Book Tours.
After finishing my debut novel “Dreaming Sophia” which in some ways is autobiographical and tells the story of a young woman – and artist and how she ends up in Florence Italy – I knew I wanted to write another story. In the first book, my protagonist Sophia meets important personalities from Italy’s history – poets, writers, movie stars, and artists – in her daydreams.
Arezzo, a small hill town in Tuscany
is the setting of Waking Isabella
For my second book “Waking Isabella,” again I wanted to explore art and historical themes but also wanted the story to involve a bit of a mystery as well. As I have recently been spending a lot of time in Arezzo Italy, a small hill town in Tuscany leading small group language immersion programs I thought it would be a perfect setting. Not only could I take the reader to a city, not many people have heard of, but I could tell them about Arezzo’s unique jousting festival, antique fair as well the city’s traditions, and a bit of its history.
What pulled the entire story together for me, however, was an encounter I had with Isabella de’ Medici’s portrait that I ran into one day at a museum in Arezzo. I was intrigued by the look in the Medici Princesses’ eyes, and when I started doing a bit of research about her, I knew Isabella would be a perfect character to create a story around.
Discover Isabella de’ Medici’s
world in the pages of Waking Isabella!
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Waking Isabella reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views