Photo Credit: Art Loving Italy

Recently I was asked if readers can find a part
of me in the characters, Nora, Isabella,
and Margherita – the three female protagonists
in my new novel “Waking Isabella.”

Curious to know the response?

I think all writers put a bit of themselves in their characters. At the beginning of the story, the contemporary protagonist Nora is a bit depressed and longs to know if she has made the right choices and wonders about the life she didn’t choose. I think we can all relate to that feeling and wonder about the experiences we might have had if we had studied something different, selected a job in another city, take that trip we turned down, lived in another country, been braver, and tried something that scared us, or perhaps even married a different person. But I think the real message is: it is never too late. We can follow our dreams and our hearts and take chances. We can always make a new decision or choice that will change the course of our lives. We don’t have to settle for ordinary. I certainly changed my own game plan and the direction of my life based on my decision to learn Italian!

As for Isabella and Margherita, I’m quite drawn to both these characters and had a lot of fun writing their scenes. I think they must have been quite remarkable women and I admire them for standing out, daring to take risks, being independent women and non-conformists. I would like to think I have some of those qualities too.

All this month Waking Isabella
is on tour around the World!

Check out these posts too!

Waking Isabella reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views

Waking Isabella Video Book Trailer

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