Photo Credit: Art of Loving Italy

It is my extreme pleasure to speak
at the Fiera del LibroThe Italian Book Fair
at the invitation of Libreria Pino &
l’Istituto Italiano Cultura in San Francisco

The book fair falls during Italian Culture Week and celebrates the Italian language and culture through books. It seems appropriate, therefore, to talk about “Dreaming Sophia” during this event as the book celebrates my enthusiasm for Italy and the Italian language. Through Sophia’s story, I can share stories of Italy I know and love, that have come from my personal experiences living and traveling in Italy and learning the language.

During my presentation, I communicated some of the themes in Dreaming Sophia — finding the strength to rise from tragedy and find joy, believing in dreams and turning them into reality, and finding the balance between fantasy and reality.

I was also able to talk about la Studentessa Matta and my background and the circumstances that led me to write Dreaming Sophia.

It was an enjoyable evening. Sono molto emozionata! I’m so pleased to have the chance to talk about my book and share it with others.

Here are a few photos from a very special evening spent with others who share a similar passion for learning the language and celebrating Italian culture!

Photo Credit: Art of Loving Italy
Photo Credit: Art of Loving Italy
Photo Credit: Art of Loving Italy
Photo Credit: Art of Loving Italy
Photo Credit: Art of Loving Italy
Photo Credit: Art of Loving Italy

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