“Dreaming Sophia” is the story of a young American painter named Sophia who is named after La Loren, the legendary movie actress. At the start of the novel, she is a woman blindsided by fate who must come to terms with a devastating tragedy. But, Dreaming Sophia is also a joyful story, at times even funny and whimsical.

It tells how Sophia ultimately emerges from a very dark place by tapping into her creative, imaginative powers. In Italian, a person who daydreams is said to sognare ad occhi aperti—to dream with eyes open. And this is what Sophia does. Through her dreams, Sophia meets and talks to famous Italian personalities from past eras—Eleonora de’ Medici, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Simonetta Vespucci, Lucrezia Borgia, Garibaldi, and even the Prince himself Lorenzo de’ Medici. Sophia becomes stronger and more independent after each encounter with one of her muses and each gift she accepts moves her one step closer to Italy.

Dante’s give to Sophia is La Divina Comedia
He “wakes” Sophia through the Italian language

Elenonora de’ Medici gives Sophia a ring
She reminds Sophia she isn’t alone in the world.

Michelangelo & Leonardo give Sophia a piece of Carrara Marble
They tell Sophia to see the beauty in the world

Marcello & Sophia Loren give Sophia a red silk Versace scarf
They encourage Sophia to take a chance on love

Lucrezia Borgia gives Sophia a necklace of Venetian Beads
She encourages Sophia to follow her own unique path and be true to herself

Garabaldi gives Sophia an antique button
He tells Sophia to re-invent herself and put the puzzle pieces back together

Giulietta gives Sophia a book of sonnets
She tells Sophia something awaits her in Italy, something she hasn’t yet dreamed of

Simonetta gives Sophia a seashell
She tells Sophia to relax and go the flow but with new freedoms, come  consequences

Brunelleschi gives Sophia a snow globe with a miniature Florence inside
He tells Sophia learn more about where an artist’s inspiration comes from

Lorenzo de Medici gives Sophia ruby earrings
Lorenzo’s gift is a commencement present. Sophia’s journey is almost complete. She in turn gives something back to Lorenzo

Dreaming Sophia is available on Amazon in Print and e-version.

Click here to get your copy!

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